Christmas this year was a very white one. It started snowing Christmas Eve and didn't stop until sometime the day after Christmas. We received about 18" of new snow on the lawn. It seems like I could never keep up with the shoveling and snowblowing. We had a lots of activities to keep us all busy. Last minute shopping, shoveling snow, last minute shopping, shoveling snow.......

Christmas Eve we went to the Strong's as has been the family tradition of the last several years. Everyone on Michelle's side of the family was there. We had a great time visiting and kids had a fun time playing and opening their presents from Nana and Papa.

The girls actually went to bed and slept good all night. We got up about 7:30am and the excitement began. Our freinds the Vanderpoels(Mike, Teri, Brennan, and Michon)came over to watch the girls open presents. It didn't take long for them to open all the gifts. We heard lots of comments like "it's just what I always wanted", it's amazing that Santa always knows what gifts to leave for the kids.

We later went to Grandma and Grandpa Gilletts for dinner, games and gifts exchange. Everyone was there including Steph and Justin from Portland, Oregon. There was alot of excited grandkids there having a great time. After most everyone left Justin asked Mom to play the piano and Steph to sign some Christmas songs. Megan joined in and then they convinced me and Dad to sing. It was fun to sing with the everyone.
We feel very blessed this year to be healthy, employed and happy. We look forward to a great 2009.
In lieu of Christmas cards this year, we have created this blog for you to enjoy. Please check back periodically to see what we are up to.